The miraculous effect of moss!
Mosses are among the oldest organisms on our planet. For around 470 million years, they have defied all the natural disasters that have shaped our planet. Neither the ice age nor meteorite impacts nor mass extinctions have been able to harm this plant.
Our "Burn your Cellulite®" liposomal anti-cellulite cream, the world's first, transfers this unique resilience to your skin. Extensive studies have shown that phytol, extracted from the moss Physcomitrella patens, activates certain genes that significantly improve cell nucleus vitality. Among other things, this leads to a rejuvenation of the skin cells, DNA repair and increased production of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin becomes significantly firmer and more elastic. Orange peel skin and its typical manifestations such as dimples thus lose the ability to negatively influence the skin's appearance. It is not for nothing that Phytol has now been honoured with four innovation awards.